Prof. Oscar Mayora Ibarra

Prof. Oscar Mayora Ibarra, Bruno Kessler Alapítvány

Dr. Mayora is Head of the Digital Health Research Unit at FBK Center for Health and Wellbeing. He is responsible for research at TrentinoSalute4.0 and adjunct professor at University of Trento, University of Verona and FH-Burgenland. After his PhD, he joined VTT Electronics in Finland as an ERCIM Visiting Research Fellow. Afterwards, he was appointed Associate Professor and head of the Graduate Program in Computer Science at Tec de Monterrey in Mexico. Later-on he was head of the Ubihealth Area at Create-Net Research Center. Dr. Mayora was former president of ACM SIG-CHI Mexican Chapter and founder of the International Pervasive Health Conference. He has published over 200 scientific papers and has extensively participated and coordinated research and innovation projects in the field of pervasive health technologies.

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