Division Manager Technology with Ottronic E-Systems GmbH and Head of R&D with EPnP Medical GmbH (Holding company of Ottronic)
Dr.mont. Mario Gschwandl studied mechanical engineering with a specialisation in automation technology and performance testing. After finishing his masters he joined the Polymer Competence Center in Leoben, where he acted as R&D manager and wrote his dissertation on the topic of virtual design of plastic encapsulations in power electronics at the Montanuniversitaet Leoben. He is the (co-)author of over 20 scientific publications and has been a speaker at countless symposia and conferences. Since July 2023, he acts as the Division Manager Technology at Ottronic and in Q1 2024 he took on the role of Head of R&D at EPnP Medical. His main focus in both professions is bringing reliable innovation into the medical market and shaping the EPnP Medical group to a leading turn-key solution provider for medical and high technology applications.