Department Head, Professor, BME, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mechatronics, Optics and Mechanical Engineering Informatics
Prof. Dr. Rita Kiss has received Dipl.Ing. at 1991 and Ph.D. degrees in civil engineering at 1997. Later at 2002 she made a health care module and DSC degree in biomechatronics at 2013. From 2023, she is corresponding member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. She worked for the Hungarian Academy of Sciences from 1991 to 2006. Since 2007 she works at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. During her professional carrier she got different scholarships and awards like Pro Scientia gold medal and European Athletics Association – European Athletics Innovation Award, Pro Scientia Master, Academic-Prize, Gábor Dénes-Prize. She is the member and chair of different national and international committees like Hungarian Society for Biomechanics, IASTED, FACTA UNIVERSITATIS, BIOMED, ISBS, and ISEK. Since 2014 she works for the Department of Mechatronics, Optics and Mechanical Engineering Informatics at BME, since then she is the head of the biomechatronics major. Since 2022 she is corresponding member of Hungarian Academy of Siences. Since 2019 she is the head of Department. Her research is focused on biomechatronics, health care, motion analysis and dynamics. She is the author more than 300 publications she has more than 1500 independent references in WOS.